How do you evaluate HSBC’s global reorganization after the 2008 global financial crisis, its position in 2015 and its current position?

How do you evaluate HSBC’s global reorganization after the 2008 global financial crisis, its position in 2015 and its current position?

Read the case in the textbook, Chapter #8, “CASE Study HSBC in 2015 Complex
Global Operations and Downsizing.”

Q1: How do you evaluate HSBC’s global reorganization after the 2008 global financial crisis, its position in 2015 and its current position? Note: for its current position, please visit the following website and feel free to seek more information via the Internet

HSBC announces massive global downsizing | Business | Economy and finance news from a
German perspective | DW | 09.06.2015
Minimum 1⁄2 page content.

Q2: What did you learn from HSBC’s case when applying concepts and theories from the chapter?
Minimum 1⁄2 page content.

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