How do these research approaches in Artificial Intelligence help the criminal justice profession? What ideas in the Artificial

How do these research approaches in Artificial Intelligence help the criminal justice profession? What ideas in the Artificial

Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice multi-part question and need support to help me learn.


The first thing I would like to mention is that privacy is very important for me. I do not want to find this specific assignment anywhere else on the web, as it has happened before here with some tutors.

Below are the instruction for the assignment, I will give you all the articles to choose from after you have accepted my assignment, as well as sending you couple samples.

Reaction Paper Assignment: Artificial Intelligence (AI): The reading asks us to think about the research through two lenses “criminal justice” and “science.” These are the lenses you will keep in mind as you read the AI article you select.

Select one article about Artificial Intelligence (below). Read the article. Reflect on your own assumptions and interests about Artificial Intelligence (AI).


  • How do these research approaches in Artificial Intelligence help the criminal justice profession?
  • What ideas in the Artificial Intelligence article you read do you agree with?
  • What ideas do you disagree with? Why?
  • In the AI article, do you recognize any ideas in AI that compromise the Constitutional rights of individuals in the U.S.? Please ensure you elaborate on AI article ideas and appropriately cite APA references (in-text citations and on Reference Page).
  • Make sure you fully explain your thoughts and ideas about AI and how they relate to the criminal justice profession


You will write a five-paragraph essay called a Reaction Paper. Make sure your five paragraphs include an introduction paragraph, body of paper-main idea A paragraph, body of paper-main idea B paragraph, and body of paper-main idea C paragraph, and a conclusion paragraph. This paper should be 2-3 pages (not including title page and Reference page) in APA-7 format.


Write a letter to the paper’s author addressing the following questions (1-2 pages in APA format double spaced in paragraph format).

  • In your own words, what is the paper’s thesis statement? (paragraph one)
  • How does the author suggest an original or worthwhile contribution to the scholarly conversation about criminal justice? (paragraph two)
  • In your own words, how is the paper organized with regard to the thesis statement, main ideas supporting thesis, and conclusion? What suggestions might you add to support your peer’s paper? (paragraph three)

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