How do 12th graders’ frequency of Cocaine / Crack differ by race/ethnicity among students over 18 and students under 18 (age)?

How do 12th graders’ frequency of Cocaine / Crack differ by race/ethnicity among students over 18 and students under 18 (age)?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Research Question:

How do 12th graders’ frequency of Cocaine / Crack differ by race/ethnicity among students over 18 and students under 18 (age)?

The main question is write 2 short paragraphs describing the implications of your findings (the “So what?” for public health). To explain that I attached the Chi-Square test of Race/ethnicity and Coke 30 Days image table. Also, this is an example of this assignment.



Our findings suggest that there is a statistically significant relationship between race/ethnicity and number of hours worked per week during the school year among students under 18 years old as well as among students over 18 years old. We found that results were similar regardless of age (over or under 18) which means that we may not have gained any additional information or nuance by stratifying our results by age. In the real world, we might re-run our analyses without the “layer” (i.e., stratifying) variable because it is not needed to help tell the story of our data.

Our findings begin to tell a story between race/ethnicity and working during the school year, which may have implications for 12th graders’ well-being. For example, if students who are working more tend to be one racial/ethnic group versus another, this could result in inequitable well-being among the group(s) that work more. However, we do not know why one group may be working more than others and there are activities that might take up students’ time, for example caring for family members, that would not be captured in the variable about work, but still may affect well-being. Future research is needed to understand how race/ethnicity and number of hours worked per week during the school year may impact the well-being of 12th graders in the U.S.

So I only need two short paragraphs about implication based on the research question and Chi-square table that I attached.

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