how digital technology revolutionized the business of making and selling music since the arrival of the compact disc in 1982. A superior

how digital technology revolutionized the business of making and selling music since the arrival of the compact disc in 1982. A superior

how digital technology revolutionized the business of making and selling music since the arrival of the compact disc in 1982. A superior submission will compare the paths of two musicians whose careers were forged during the beginning of this century (suggest Drake and Danny Michel – see below). Secondly, “the global crisis of COVID‐19 has changed society without any guarantee of what the future will hold, and those within the creative sector are desperately trying to protect the industry from financial ruin.” 1 Write a two‐three paragraph statement on the action(s) you would take to ensure the sustainability of the live music industry during this period of COVID‐19

The essay rests on three interconnected topics

: • The collapse of the CD and the rise of streaming.

• How streaming impacted the careers of artisits for better (Drake) and for worse (Michel).

• How Covid‐19 destroyed the business of live performance and what can be done about it.

Answer preview for how digital technology revolutionized the business of making and selling music since the arrival of the compact disc in 1982. A superior


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