Effective hospitality leader
Write a two page paper on a person that you perceive as an effective hospitality leader and explain why you selected that person. Be sure to include the following in your paper:
Characteristic that led you to select this person as a leader.
Were they a transactional leader or transformational?
What are/were some of their most significant accomplishments or contributions?
What motivated them?
Why where they followed?
Paper Format and Presentation
Your assignment must to be typed using the following format (MLA):
Font: Type & Size: (Arial 10)
Margins: 1 inch all around
Include your name
Use full sentences and be descriptive.
Cite the information you include in your paper (on a third page-work cited).
Class Presentation
You will be required to deliver a presentation on the leader that you selected and researched. For your class presentation:
Dress professionally
You must use a digital visual aid such as: PowerPoint, Prezi, YouTube, or similar.
Bring props, materials, or samples to share with the class related to the leader you are representing or the organization they are affiliated with.
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