Based on the required reading, which features of a healthy community are most important to you? Why? What would you tell the mayor about the
- Based on the required reading, which features of a healthy community are most important to you? Why?
- What would you tell the mayor about the health of your community? For full credit, be sure to mention ways your community is and is not healthy. Let us know which community you are writing about.
Module 1 – Background
If you are unsure which database the publication is in, try ProQuest first, then EBSCO.
Required Reading
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (n.d.) Healthy Community Design. Retrieved from…
[Please watch the Healthy Community Design Streaming Video linked at the top and read the Healthy Community Design Fact Sheet linked under “Additional Resources.”]
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Determinants of health. Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from…
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved from
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014). Public Health Learning Modules-Module 1: Using Healthy People 2020 to Improve Population Health. Part Two: What is Healthy People? Retrieved from…
[Note: Video runtime is just over 7 minutes]
World Health Organization [WHO] (1997). The Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from…
World Health Organization [WHO] (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from…
[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field
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