Interview a healthcare leader 

Interview a healthcare leader

Interview a healthcare leader

One of the ways we can get advice on how to be a successful healthcare leader is to ask one. For this assignment, you are to conduct an interview with a healthcare leader. You may choose to contact a leader at a hospital, clinic, nursing home, or any other type of healthcare establishment which you feel you may one day be interested in working with. Ask the leader to share experiences from their early days in the healthcare profession such as:

What are some of the results they have achieved in quality and safety;

What changes had to happen in order for these results to be achieved;

How did they evolve into the role they have now;

How did they learn the things they need to know to be a leader that gets results and what are the most important characteristics of a leader;

What barriers have they faced as a leader and how did they overcome them;

Do they have any tips regarding communication styles;

What advice would they give to you on how to position yourself to lead other health care professionals in an effective way;

What does “leading from the bottom up,” mean to them?

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Interviewing a Healthcare Leader


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