Population Health

Population Health

Review the resources focusing on the Triple Aim. Reflect on its components and their role in contributing to healthcare transformation.

Review the examples of Oak Street Health (Porter, Lee, & Alger, 2017) and the CVS Health-Aetna merger (Salazar, 2018) from this week’s resources and select one of these cases to focus on for this Assignment.

Consider how the role of pharmacies is moving beyond conventional understandings. They are no longer simply places where people pick up their medicines. More pharmacies are offering healthcare services such as screenings and vaccines with little or no wait time. They are becoming important dispensaries of preventive care.

The Assignment: (3–5 pages)

Based on the case of Oak Street Health (Porter, Lee, & Alger, 2017) or the CVS Health-Aetna merger (Salazar, 2018) , write a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following:

Explain why the adoption of the case presented, in the profile you selected, should be expanded.

Explain how the case addresses cost and quality to support population health outcomes.

Analyze the implications that your selected case has on the future of the health system. What are the most important developments, and what would be some next steps?

Explain the direct impacts your case has on providers, institutions/organizations, and consumers.

Identify at least two challenges in the case you selected and explain what you might do to address these challenges.

Analyze how health education can be incorporated into the case you selected. Be sure to consider the following:

Linkages with health partners outside of the system

The use of self-management education and partnerships with area non-profits

Partnerships with other types of clinicians related to health education (e.g., registered dieticians, LCSWs)

Explain at least two benefits in the case you did not select and how those benefits can be incorporated into the case you did select. How might incorporating these benefits affect the case you selected?

Choose one of the profiles presented this week and explain how the individual and the population he or she represents can be affected by the case that you selected. Be specific.



Porter, M. E., Lee, T. H., & Alger, M. A. (2017). Oak Street Health: A new model of primary care [Case study]. Boston, MA: Harvard Business.

Salazar, D. (2018, January 8). Changing dynamics: The CVS Health-Aetna merger forces the industry to adapt. Drug Store News. Retrieved from http://www.drugstorenews.com/article/changing-dyna…

Squazzo, J. D. (2015, January/February). The journey to value-based care for population health. Healthcare Executive, 30(1), 28–34. Retrieved from https://www.ache.org/abt_ache/JF15_F3_reprint.pdf

Document: Case Study Profiles (PDF)


Institute for Healthcare Improvement [IHI Open School]. (2014, April 11). IHI – Coursera – Don Berwick IOM [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ihi.org/education/IHIOpenSchool/resourc…

Oregon Primary Care Association [ORPCA]. (2015, March 5). Don Berwick, former CMS director, on health equity, the triple aim and reform in Oregon [Video file]. Retrieved from


Peterson Center on Healthcare, and Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation. (n.d.). Health system dashboard. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/dashboard/
Note: This resource provides context for how much money individuals are paying for healthcare.

Kutzin, J., Witter, S., Jowett, M., & Bayarsaikhan, D. (2017). Developing a national health financing strategy: A reference guide (Health Financing Guidance No. 3). Retrieved from World Health Organization website: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/254757/1/

McClellan, M., Udayakumar, K., Thoumi, A., Gonzalez-Smith, J., Kadakia, K., Kurek, N., … Darzi, A. W. (2017). Improving care and lowering costs: Evidence and lessons from a global analysis of accountable care reforms. Health Affairs, 36(11), 1920–1927. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2017.0535

McClellan, M. B., & Leavitt, M. O. (2016). Competencies and tools to shift payments from volume to value. Journal of the American Medical Association, 316(16), 1655–1656. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.14205

Meyers, G., Price, G., & Pykosz, M. (2016). Caring for older adults in a value-based model. Retrieved from https://catalyst.nejm.org/caring-for-older-adults-...



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Population Health


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