Health education programs

Health education programs

A healthy Community would ideally be one that’s actively involved in physical, social, mental and spiritual activities (Maurer & Smith, 2012). A healthy Community offers access to health care for treatments and prevention to all members. It’s safe for all races, ages, sex and ethnic groups to participate in community actives. These activities and resources are utilized to help the residents in the community improve and promote health to their maximum levels. Communities can maintain healthy lifestyles by mutually supporting each other. For example, the community can work together plant a garden with fresh fruits and vegetables known as a community garden to promote organic and healthier food choices free of cost. They can also promote safer play ground’s by making them smoke free. An outreach program can be created for all ages, this program can aid with education on health disparities that are present in the community. Healthy communities consist of individual residents that are involved and provide information through local community groups and public meetings. They commonly have goals that promote and restore the health of the residents, this makes playgrounds, schools, and work places safe. As a provider one would provide care to one’s community by making each individual feel involved and a part of their community. When we work together as a team our community will thrive and prosper. Great team work and involvement creates productive members which enables people to be creative to make healthy decisions about their community. One would treat and provide appropriate care to one’s community based on the greatest needs. This would include free health clinics, a community’s advisory board with free resources and education and free wellness classes. Before a provider can improve the health of the community one must first assess their own health. A provider must take actions within their own home, ensure that your health is as healthy as you would want your community.

As a provider and resident of a community one would focus on physical activity, obesity, tobacco use, substance abuse, safe sex practice, mental health, the environments, immunizations and proper access to health care. The environment in your community and the surrounding communities have a huge impact on your health and lifespan. Where you live determines how safe your schools, parks, roads, neighborhood and even drinking water is. Some communities don’t have fresh air to inhale while outdoors exercising, many don’t have access to fresh foods and some are not safe to let kids play and interact at parks. If one’s community was as health as one’s idea community, one could make the following changes to better the future of their community. Grow healthy foods using synthetic pesticides, if growing fresh foods isn’t idea in this community then one could educate residents to shop at the local farmers market. One would also advocate for a safer walkable or bike able area to promote more physical exercise. Set up a walk to school bus schedule, this would allow parents to take turns walking children to the bus stop and stay involved with the community. Residents could shop locally to help local businesses grow, helping neighbors thrive economically. It’s always nice to have a clean community, a cleanup day would be set each month. This also helps wild life in the community.

Each resident has certain images of a healthy community. Education will always keep open minds and encourage participation in healthy lifestyle changes. As a advocate to promoting and restoring health worldwide I feel that a healthy communities will decrease health disparities for our nation.


Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2012). Community / Public Health Nursing Practice: Health for Families and Populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.


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Health education programs


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