Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise

Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise (you may choose any hospitality enterprise under the hospitality

Project Marriott.

Project Overview:

  • Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise (you may choose any hospitality enterprise under the hospitality umbrella, and you do not need to confirm with your professor first).
  • You have made a strategic decision to create a Training Program for a specific Health and Safety issue that aims to make your workplace safer.
    • Review the Training and Development chapter/PPT slides and the Health and Safety chapter/PPT slides and create a training program (based on relevant and applicable research) that will make your hospitality workplace safer in regards to one particular health and safety issue that is of concern to your organization.
  • The Training Program will be in the form of a “package” – a written submission with links to relevant videos – that will be given to all of the managers throughout your organization with the intent that they will then use the information to train their subordinates.

General Guidelines:

  • Page Maximum: FIVE pages single-spaced TOTAL (one-sided).

Submission Outline:
Your Training Program should have the following sections:


  • Outline the need for training in Health and Safety, in general, in the hospitality industry.
    • You DO NOT need to identify your health and safety issue here just yet. This is a general introduction as to why training for health and safety overall is relevant to the hospitality industry.
  • Explain your hospitality enterprise’s views/values when it comes to health and safety overall in your organization.
  • Include at least one library resource/reference to support your introductory points.

Health and Safety Issue

  • Choose and outline a clear and present health and safety concern in your hospitality enterprise and clarify the need to train employees in order to reduce lost workdays, diminish repetitive strain injuries or avoid catastrophic injury, etc.

    • Outline ONE specific Health and Safety issue that your team is focusing on and what the training will be based on.
  • Include at least 2 library resources/articles describing the Health and Safety concept you are specifically exploring and why it’s a concern.


  • Outline the best ways to train employees throughout your enterprise in regards to the health and safety issue identified in the section above.
    • In other words, create a recommended list of training methodologies that the managers and supervisors throughout your hospitality enterprise could implement in order to train their subordinates on the health and safety issue that has been identified as a concern (in section above).
    • A minimum of 3 training methods should be described. Consider multiple ways of employee learning in order to get the best knowledge capture of the material for this health and safety issue.
    • You are not creating detailed instructions for each training method, but providing general guidelines. Feel free to use references like “Refer to Appendix A” or “Refer to the attached manual for step-by-step instructions” but you do not have to actually provide these things.
  • Include at least 2 library resources/articles outlining concepts such as: learning styles, best practices in training, hospitality trends in training, etc.

Video Link

  • Provide at least two video links (via YouTube or other) created by a reputable source that provide information on EITHER the health and safety issue that you identified above, OR on the recommended training methods outlined.
  • Ensure that the videos add value to your training program, and are something that employees could view to solidify their learning regarding the health and safety topic.


  • Recap the main and relevant points about health and safety, the health and safety issue of concern to your enterprise, and the need for training on this issue.
  • Include next steps or follow-up information for your managers throughout the organization.
  • Include additional resources and contacts available.


  • Ensure to include a complete list of all references used as well as in-text citations throughout the body of your written submission.

Other Notes:

  • The best papers will create a training program that addresses a real problem and not some fictitious or overly simple threat.
  • Consider a Health and Safety training program that you would be proud to submit to your General Manager in your future career.
  • The written submission should be one cohesive submission. Writing style should be consistent throughout the paper (i.e. that is if you write different sections, make sure you edit through with one voice).


Introduction /10
Health and Safety Issue /25
Training Methodologies /25
Videos – Relevance and Value Added /20
Conclusion /10

Minimum of 7 reputable sources used (including video references); relevant sources, and a variety of sources used

APA-Format-Grammar-Spelling (negative scoring) /-10
Total /100
Value of your Final Grade /30%

This is the link for the library you can use it to get the references :


So according to this:

  • Your group represents the senior leadership team in a hospitality enterprise (you may choose any hospitality enterprise under the hospitality umbrella, and you do not need to confirm with your professor first).

The company will be Marriott Hotels.

And for the references if you do not find good resources in this link https://web-b-ebscohost-com.gbcprx01.georgebrown.c… you can look from anywhere.


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