Have you witnessed boundary setting by a supervisor or a colleague? What did or does that look like in your setting?

Have you witnessed boundary setting by a supervisor or a colleague? What did or does that look like in your setting?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please see the instructions in the attachment. Upload a journal entry each week and be sure to check here for the weekly reflection question.

Weekly Journal Format

Reflection Question: Have you witnessed boundary setting by a supervisor or a colleague? What did or does that look like in your setting?

Social Work Practicum Weekly Journal Format
The weekly journal is an essential part of field instruction for use in teaching and assessing practicum
experiences and learning. Additionally, the journal provides an opportunity for the intern to process
and reflect about their use of self and learning over the next few weeks of their internship experience.
Through the journal, the faculty field liaison is also kept current about the student’s internship
experience and activities (practice behaviors) in order to monitor progress and consistency of learning
experiences in achieving the learning plan.

A copy of the journal is submitted by the intern to the faculty field liaison (via Canvas). A copy of the
journal should also be retained by the student for their personal practicum file.

Students will upload journals via a Canvas attachment, the journal is to be only a Microsoft Word
document (a Works document CANNOT be opened in Canvas) in APA Format, double space,
TIMES NEW ROMAN ONLY. Students should proofread the journal entry before uploading to
Canvas; points will be deducted for poor grammar/sentence structure and/or APA Format.

The weekly journal consists of the following content with the headings used as indicated below:

1. Week number (#), dates (inclusive) of journal, student’s name and name of agency (should be
on cover page) (1 point)
2. Summary of Week’s Activities: This should be a brief daily summary (include date)
indicating the following for each activity:

a. The type of activity (.5 points)
b. Where and when it occurred (.5 points)
c. Other persons involved in it – staff and/or client(s), identified by first name only.
(.5 points)
d. A brief description of what occurred, emphasizing the student’s role (.5 points)

3. Values and Ethical Practice (2 points):
Discuss and reflect on use of professional social work values and implementation of ethical
practice in your internship activities and experiences this week.

4. Critical Thinking and Professional Knowledge (2 points):
Reflect on your use of self in your internship. How did you utilize critical thinking skills and
engage in knowledge-guided practice? Discuss how you accessed needed (new) knowledge
and information for effective use of self in internship activities and experiences. Include in
this section knowledge utilized and gained in work with diverse persons within the context of
the agency (this may include both clients and agency personnel).

5. Reactions to Internship Experiences/Activities (1 point):
How are things going in your internship? Discuss the positive as well as the negative.

6. Response to Feedback (1 point):
Response to site supervisor’s feedback, including issues raised and questions posed.

7. Weekly Reflection Question (1 point):
Answer the weekly reflection question for this week’s journal.

Answer preview for Have you witnessed boundary setting by a supervisor or a colleague? What did or does that look like in your setting?


713 Words

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