Google the following: “salary negotiation” along with one of your own identities (gender, sex, race, etc) — e.g., women, African-American

Google the following: “salary negotiation” along with one of your own identities (gender, sex, race, etc) — e.g., women, African-American

From the description file, you need to choose information and good format to design a one good infographic


  1. Google the following: “salary negotiation” along with one of your own identities (gender, sex, race, etc) — e.g., women, African-American, transgender, white, or even a combination of these like “African-American women.” If you are uncomfortable using one of your identities, you may choose other identities. What results come up? Click a few and scan them. What statistics do they discuss? What particular challenges do they discuss? What tips do they give? (HINT: If you are only getting general “How to Negotiate Salary” results that don’t discuss race, class, sex, etc, then redo your search and make sure you are adding an identity.)
  2. Now drawing from these resources create an infographic that includes the following: (a) a title along with your name; (b) a very brief statement of the topic so that anyone off the street could look at your submission and know exactly what it’s about; and (c) three to five tips to address the issue and to help someone of (fill in the blank with one or more identities) better position themselves to ask for and negotiate salary. You must cite your sources by including at least a weblink.

Answer preview for Google the following: “salary negotiation” along with one of your own identities (gender, sex, race, etc) — e.g., women, African-American


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