Globalization and the Environment

Globalization and the Environment

Globalization has both potentially positive and negative consequences.

Select and research one of the following topics associated with globalization. For your selected topic, identify two countries or regions, one in the developed world and one in the developing world.

  • Globalization and the environment
  • Globalization and jobs and wages
  • Globalization and national sovereignty
  • Globalization and immigration
  • Globalization and healthcare

Write a two-page paper, typed and double-spaced, using the West Writing Assignment Template, in which you compare and contrast the effects of globalization and your topic on the two countries/regions. Consider both the positive effects and the negative effects.

Support your analysis with facts, country data, and statistics.

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The effects of globalization on the environment are both positive and negative in the developed and developing countries. Globalization in Germany which is among the most developed countries in the world has impacted more positively on its environment that the way it has negatively affected its environment. China is one of the countries which is developing at a very…………………………..


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