Given that childhood personality carries over to adulthood, in specific, what can you say about the influence of childhood personality traits

Given that childhood personality carries over to adulthood, in specific, what can you say about the influence of childhood personality traits

You Aren’t at the Mercy of Your Emotions — Your Brain Creates Them | Lisa Feldman Barrett (Youtube video)


This is a brief overview of the abnormal aspect of personality development.

Review this week’s assigned reading and the following resource to prepare for this discussion.

What is Attachment Theory? Bowlby’s 4 Stages Explained.
A great deal of personality growth and development has taken place in childhood, including the coalescence of temperament into traits, and the development of substantial models of the self and the world.

Given that childhood personality carries over to adulthood, in specific, what can you say about the influence of childhood personality traits on adulthood? What about mental models such as attachment developed in childhood?
Findings in the middle 1970s indicated that personality traits are relatively set for the individual by young adulthood. There are, however, individual changes, as well as group changes, in the overall level of traits. How do the Big Five personality traits, for example, change over adulthood?
Initial posts should be a 250-­300 words.
All references should be in the last 7 years, references older than seven years may be used to supplement but will not be counted as course required references
Support your initial post by citing scholarly/authoritative research articles other than the textbook.
References should be minimum of 1-2 peer-reviewed scholarly journals.
Reference all work and provide a reference list following APA format.

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