The site can be easily described by the ongoing activities occurring and developments that are either at the foundation

The site can be easily described by the ongoing activities occurring and developments that are either at the foundation

hello, I want a report about the field trip. the report shoud be 2-4 pages Please follow the rubrics for the field Report:
Points Possible of the overall Course Evaluation: 10 points
Introduction: 10%

Description of Site, foundation, substructure and superstructure Of the building and Equipment/Photographs: 30%

Contents: Applications of Principles of Soil Mechanics and
Geotechnical Engineering to the design and construction of the

Foundation and substructure of the building30%

Organization and logical presentation of ideas: 20%

Solution preview for the order on The site can be easily described by the ongoing activities occurring and developments that are either at the foundation

The site can be easily described by the ongoing activities occurring and developments that are either at the foundation


670 words

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