Geography of the Travel Channel Show Called Food Paradise

Geography of the Travel Channel Show Called Food Paradise

This paper is related to the previous paper 9843618

Students – For a maximum of up to 10 extra credit points, write a 1-2 page (double-spaced) paper on the topic: “Geography of The Travel Channel Show Called _________”

Go to the The Travel Channel shows website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.and chose one show to write about. (Examples: Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, etc.)

  1. Summarize the show
  2. Write something about the locations
  3. What interested you in this show or destination?

I’m pretty open to what you want to include in the paper as long as it’s written well and is related to geography (WHERE IS IT?)!!!

Grammar and spelling count towards the grade, so be sure to run the spellchecker and/or have someone review it for you before you submit in order to ensure you earn maximum points.

Do not copy/plagiarize from your online resource (it will be automatically checked by and be sure to include your information source URL and date retrieved at the end of the paper!!

remember use the same format 12 size times new roman and double spaced

Solution Preview for Geography of the Travel Channel Show Called Food Paradise

 The Travel Channel shows


612 Words

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