How do we make rules that are fair, generous and in keeping with our values?
11 million About unauthorized immigrants live and work in the United States today. Some say they should be deported, while others support a path to legal residency. What would deportation of 11 million people involve? What would be required to receive amnesty?
It would require massive resources; conservative estimates put the figures at $400 billion. The number of ICE officers would have to grow almost tenfold. The current number of ICE officers is about 5000. Growing this number would require vetting and training which would take time. The illegal immigrants would have to be rounded up and transported in large vehicles like trucks to large detention camps for onward deportation. The illegal immigrants would have to be flown to their native countries which would require air transport. In the end, the process would be more expensive and chaotic.
To receive amnesty, it would ideally be through the legalization of their immigration status. There have been various proposals but asylum is the surest option (US Chamber of Commerce, 2016).
The current system’s quotas and preferences mean there is no way some people can ever enter the country. Guest-worker visas mean some will labour here with no representation, few legal protections and no chance to earn citizenship. How do we make rules that are fair, generous and in keeping with our values?
To make rules that are generous, fair and keep with the American values, the first step would be to acknowledge the fact that illegal immigrant is an integral part of the society. The focus should be on weeding out the chaff. This should focus on the bad elements within illegal immigrants like criminals and drug dealers. The rest of the population should then be integrated into society in line with American values.
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