Considering social movements, such as #Me Too, state if you believe there is a decline in sexism in contemporary US society.
After reading Mooney, Knox, & Schacht, chapter #10 you will have learned about gender issues. Sex is a person’s biological classification as male or female. Gender is a person’s social classification, associated with sex, as masculine or feminine. And, the difference between sex and gender is sex is biologically defined, while gender is socially defined. Feminism is the belief that men and women have equal rights and responsibilities. Sexism is prejudice and discrimination based on the belief that the sexes are innately different in all aspects, and the differences connote superiority and inferiority.
In the reply box, considering social movements, such as #Me Too, state if you believe there is a decline in sexism in contemporary US society. Why or why not? Support your answer with information from chapter #10. Cite the information with the page number and textbook edition you are using, for example (pg.100, ed.10).
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