In what way does gender intersect with other social categories to highlight power and interlocking oppression?

In what way does gender intersect with other social categories to highlight power and interlocking oppression?

These are reflective and analytical papers that invite you to reflect on the intersections of gender, race, class and sexuality in different ways. For each of these, you are required to engage with the two class texts provided in the drop files below.

What issues/concepts are central to the author(s)’ argument?

In what way does gender intersect with other social categories to highlight power and interlocking oppression?

Compare and contrast the arguments presented? Do you agree? Disagree? Why?

If you were engaged in a conversation/interview with the authors of the other two texts, what would you ask them?

What did you learn from the texts? What areas do you feel require additional discussion?

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In what way does gender intersect with other social categories to highlight power and interlocking oppression?


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