For your media object analysis assignment, choose a specific media object (this could be an image, a post, a tweet, a meme, a hashtag, a vide

For your media object analysis assignment, choose a specific media object (this could be an image, a post, a tweet, a meme, a hashtag, a vide

Media Object Analysis Assignment
For your media object analysis assignment, choose a specific media object (this could
be an image, a post, a tweet, a meme, a hashtag, a video, a .gif, a livestream, tiktok
video, tv show, film etc.) and write a paper [Length: 1,000 words] in which you make a
specific argumentative claim regarding your chosen media object.
In order to craft a compelling argument, choose either a Rhetorical, Semiotic, Marxist, or
Psychoanalytic approach to think through your chosen media object. Throughout the
next few weeks, we will be going over each approach via assigned readings,
powerpoints, and video lectures. I will ask you to write a short, approx. 250-word
discussion post response relating to each mode in these discussion posts. You can
choose to expand on one of your discussion posts as part of this assignment.
Depending on what approach you are interested in choosing as a focus, here are some
questions to consider for each approach. (You do not need to answer all of these
questions, but use them as a way to help guide your argument):

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