For your initial post, explain whether you could ever justify using violence in defense of a cause. Support your reasoning with additional

For your initial post, explain whether you could ever justify using violence in defense of a cause. Support your reasoning with additional

At various times and by various people, Nat Turner and John Brown have been described as either murderers or liberators because of their violent response to the institution of slavery. For this forum, read this brief blog post by Ta-Nehisi Coates in which he discusses the white reaction to Turner’s slave rebellion, and this brief interview with Tony Horowitz about the legacy of John Brown’s raid. The actions of both men obviously angered supporters of slavery, but they also received criticism from fellow abolitionists.

For your initial post, explain whether you could ever justify using violence in defense of a cause. Support your reasoning with additional historical information discussed throughout the semester in the Foner textbook and course lectures.

300 word requirement

Please do not use any outside sources only use the links and power points I provided below for citation

For example, the second lecture in Unit 3 would be cited like this:

(Carroll, Contact & Conquest in New World) or (Carroll, Contact & Conquest).

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