For this writing assignment, you will start by selecting a still image of your choice of any type. This image can be a frame from a film,

For this writing assignment, you will start by selecting a still image of your choice of any type. This image can be a frame from a film,

For this writing assignment, you will start by selecting a still image of your choice of any type. This image can be a frame from a film, a meme, a photograph, a painting, or any other image that you believe is important in conveying an argument. From there, you will perform visual analysis on the image, discussing what is gained or lost by placing the meaning in a visual medium. Finally, you will take your image and relate it to an essay we’ve read thus far in the semester, from Units 1, 2, or 3. You will discuss how the image you have selected Forwards, Counters, or Takes the Approach of the argument made by that author, and how the image and essay work together in context.

I chose Michaelangelo’s Pieta and Eula Bliss’s The pain scale

This is what I have so far.

The Pieta as a master piece of work is an art sculpture of Michelangelo located within the Vatican City inside St. Peter’s Basilica and where as is described by to Fisher, it is not possible to see it from outside (2007). Made from only one piece of white marble from Carrara, it was created for the period of the years 1498 and 1499 taking two years to its completion. Among the greater variety of works by this artist, it is the first that was worked on bearing the same theme of pain and redemption combined with beauty s the final product. It is also the only one that bears his signature on the diagonal ribbon across Mary’s chest. Pieta which is one of Michelangelo’s most greatly completed works was a special sculpture meant for the commissioning of cardinal Jean de Billheres; a French representative in Rome and specifically for his funeral monument. It was later moved into the chapel during the 18th century. This followed his invitation by the cardinal to make the sculpture when he was only twenty three. Its first location was the Chapel of Santa Pentronilla which is a Roman mausoleum which the cardinal had selected for himself as a funerary chapel before its demolition during the basilica rebuilding (William, 1995).
The piece of art is a statue that portrays Jesus’ body laying on his mother Mary’s laps at the time after the crucifixion having been removed from the cross (Lewis & Lewis, 2008) which is evidenced by the marks of small nails and the indication of the wound located in Jesus’ side. It revolves around the major theme of Northern origin which during that time was present in France but not in Italy. According to (St. Peters Basilica, 2009) Michelangelo offered a unique interpretation of the pieta to the models since it is a significant piece of work that balances the ideals of a new beginning incorporated in typical beauty and a touch of naturalism which is illustrated by the relationship exhibited by the figures. This is made possible by his skill to prove to both the viewers and himself of the supernatural beauty.

Connects to Eula Bliss’s “The Pain Scale”,

Eula Biss’ “The Pain Scale” discusses how scales are used to understand the world around us, as well as the limitations or flaws due to everyone’s experience being subjective. She does this by using her personal experience with the pain scale. The pain scale is a set of numbers from one to ten. When you go into a doctor’s office you are expected to decide where the amount of pain you have lies on the scale. Biss approaches the use of scales in society by telling a story about her experience with pain, and how she feels unable to place herself on the pain scale.
           “The Pain Scale” has another meaning to it that is hidden just beneath the surface. Scales are everywhere in the modern world, from Fahrenheit, Celsius, The Beaufort Scale, and pain, to list a few. Biss addresses the complexity of simplifying pain into a simple zero to ten scale. Pain is so complex, yet something everyone experiences. The pain scale takes pain, something that is variable from person to person, and simplifies it with numbers that are relatable and usable by everyone. Scales essentially take something complex and bring it into something more understandable. While most will not try to factor in starving third world countries, and cancer victims into their pain scale assessment Biss does provide a point of thought. How we rate our pain is purely based off of each person’s individual experience with pain, a major flaw. Scales have set points, such as zero, for us to apply our data to to decide where on the scale something belongs. While being cold could be 35 degrees Fahrenheit for some, that same temperature could be warm for other based on where they have lived and what they have experienced. Temperatures give everyone a set idea on what outside should feel like, however, after that the interpretation of that temperature is variable. This way of thinking also works in the pain scale. A seven on the pain scale means above average pain. This above average pain applies to anyone, and can be understood that that person is in an uncomfortable amount of pain and needs treatment. What is variable in the pain scale is what the person is actually feeling. While seven gives people an idea of what degree of pain someone is in it does not actually translate direct feeling of the pain. 

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For this writing assignment, you will start by selecting a still image of your choice


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