For this project, you need to select the recent issues (within a year) of one women’s magazine and one men’s magazine. Please critically

For this project, you need to select the recent issues (within a year) of one women’s magazine and one men’s magazine. Please critically

For this project, you need to select the recent issues (within a year) of one women’s magazine and one men’s magazine. Please critically analyze and compare the contents of two magazines, and write a 2-3 page report. In your critical report, please include points that address at least  two questions from the following list. Please feel free to include any other points that you think are important. 

How are women and men portrayed and described in these magazines? What are the character traits of men and women emphasized by these magazines?  What messages are women given from women’s magazines about what men are like? What messages are men given from men’s magazines about what women are like? Look for both the obvious and the subtle messages. How do women’s magazines suggest women should interact with men? How do men’s magazines suggest men should interact with women?  What overall messages about gender do you get from reading and comparing the magazines you selected?  Do these messages differ by other dimensions of power (e.g., race, social class, sexuality, age)?  In what ways might these messages affect readers of these magazines?  

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