For this discussion, you will evaluate the proposed revisions to the FLSA concerning minimum wage and overtime wages. Depending on the first

For this discussion, you will evaluate the proposed revisions to the FLSA concerning minimum wage and overtime wages. Depending on the first

Part I

Changes to minimum wage and whether it should be increased for certain workers, as well as payment of overtime, have been hot topics in the United States. Prior to beginning this discussion, review the Handy Reference Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the 1.3 Million More Workers Eligible For Overtime Pay, But Some Say Rules Fall Short article, as well as the additional required readings for this week.

For this discussion, you will evaluate the proposed revisions to the FLSA concerning minimum wage and overtime wages. Depending on the first letter of last name, you will evaluate the benefits and non-benefits of the employee and employer. If your last name begins with A-K, evaluate the benefits and non-benefits of the employee and if your last name begins with L-Z, evaluate the benefits and non-benefits of the employer.

In your initial post, evaluate the proposed new labor wage laws and explain specific ways that these laws will be beneficial and non-beneficial to your assigned position (employee or employer). Support your evaluations with at least two scholarly journal articles about the proposed amendments.

Part II

Prior to beginning this discussion, review The Most Desirable Employee Benefits article, as well as the additional required readings this week. An employer may provide discretionary benefits to the employee, which is not mandated by law. These benefits are considered to be additional “perks” of the position. Examples could include pay for time not worked, health and medical insurance, and retirement plans. However, while the benefits may not be required by law, there may be laws regarding the administration and design of said discretionary benefits. For your initial post, answer the following questions and provide support for your arguments:

  • What role(s) can discretionary benefits play in an organization’s HR function and why?
  • What should an employer take into account when designing a discretionary benefits program and why?

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