For this assignment, you will be required to find a peer-reviewed research article related to a topic we discuss in class. This article
For this assignment, you will be required to find a peer-reviewed research article related to a topic we discuss in class. This article cannot be a literature review, book chapter, etc. It must be an empirical research article that describes original research conducted by the authors. You can find such papers on Google Scholar, or through search engines provided through the library, like PubMed and PsycArticles. If you have any questions about whether your article is acceptable for the assignment, you can email me the article before completing the assignment. It is your responsibility to read the article and turn in a summary/response paper (2-3 pages of content). Your paper should include a brief summary of the article, why it is interesting to you, and how it relates to course material. In your paper, you should also include any questions or comments about things you found confusing or hard to understand. This assignment is due on Sunday, July 26 at 11:59 pm CDT) and adherence to proper APA style (12 pt Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double spacing, etc.).
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