For the country you are studying, prepare a three-page report on (a) the flow of one attribute via the mass media from that country

For the country you are studying, prepare a three-page report on (a) the flow of one attribute via the mass media from that country

For the country you are studying, prepare a three-page report on (a) the flow of one attribute via the mass media from that country to the USA, and (b) the flow of one attribute from the USA to that country, via the mass media. Given what we emphasize in this course, this part is concerned about (a) what is one attribute in the culture of each society, (b) how it embeds that attribute in its mass media, (c) how it transmits these attributes via these media to the other society, (d) how the transmissions are received in the other society, (e) how the trans-missions are distributed in the other society, (f) how wide is the distribution or reception of the transmissions in the other society, and (g) what are the likely consequences of the receiving of these transmissions in the other country. Note that we answer these questions for each “direction” of transmission – from your country of interest to the USA and from the USA to your country of interest. One more time, for this assignment, be sure to develop ideas from your reading of the chapter in the textbook on your country of interest, but more than that, from the human sources you should be consulting throughout the semester.

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