For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a Digital Forensics & Incident Response Plan with the goal of responding to concentrated

For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a Digital Forensics & Incident Response Plan with the goal of responding to concentrated

Write 12 pages in Word; Appendix: 1–2 pages


undefinedDigital Forensics Planundefined

Project Selection

The first step will be to select an organization as the target for your Digital Forensics Plan. This organization will be used as the basis for the individual assignment throughout the course and should conform to the following guidelines:

  • Sufficient business scope: The selected organization should be in an industry where it would be reasonably expected to execute a Digital Forensics and Incident Response Plan.
  • Domain knowledge: You should be familiar enough with the organization to allow focus on the Digital Forensics and Incident Response report planning and execution tasks.

Select an organization that fits these requirements, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding further with the assignments in the course. Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposed Digital Forensics Plan and what notification will be given for project approval.


For the assignments in this course, you will be developing a Digital Forensics & Incident Response Plan with the goal of responding to concentrated attacks attempting to penetrate the organizational network and system. The plan will address product and system vulnerabilities, and then reporting on those findings.

After receiving approval for your proposed project, complete the following tasks.

Task 1: Create a shell for the Digital Forensics Plan. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final report document to gradually complete the final project delivery. All of this will be brought together in final form for the Key Assignment. Appropriate research should be conducted to support the analysis in your plan, and assumptions may be made when necessary.

Overall deliverables for the course are the following:

Week 1: Project Outline and Company Overview; Abstract

Week 2: Threats and Vulnerabilities

Week 3: Computer System Incidents

Week 4: Network and Internet Incidents; Conclusion

Week 5: Risk Mitigation Techniques and Plans

The project deliverables for Week 1 are the following:

  • Submit the organization proposal to your instructor for approval.
  • Create the Digital Forensics Plan shell with the following specifications:
  • Use MS Word
  • Title page
    • Course number and name
    • Project name
    • Student name
    • Date
  • Section headings to be used for the table of contents (TOC) (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content, except for sections listed under “New content” below):
    • General instructions for TOC:
      • Use autogenerated TOC
      • Separate pages
      • Maximum of 3 levels deep
      • Update the fields of TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project
    • TOC section headings:
      • Company Overview
      • Abstract
      • Table of Contents
      • Analysis
        • Threats and Vulnerabilities
        • Computer System Incidents
        • Network and Internet Incidents
      • Conclusion
      • Appendix A: Risk Mitigation Techniques and Plans
      • References
  • New content
    • Project requirements
      • Provide the report’s TOC section headings, as stated above.
      • Provide the Company Overview: This should be a brief description of the company (can be hypothetical) where the forensics plan will be implemented. Include the general company business, company size, location(s), and types of sensitive data being protected.
      • Provide the Abstract, describing at a high level the following (this should be 200 words in length):
        • The purpose of the digital forensics plan
        • An overview of the proposed Digital Forensics Plan (Describe at a summary level what will be included in the plan.)
        • Describe the following at a high level:
          • Vulnerabilities and threats or root cause of the attacks
          • Related digital forensics events
          • Forensics and incident responses to be provided
          • Containment of the damage
          • Minimizing the risks being addressed by the report
    • Name the document “yourname_CS631_IP1.doc.”
    • Ensure that the paper is in APA format.

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