What attributes does a super author/creator have

What attributes does a super author/creator have

1-In your opinion, what is a “superheroic” author/creator to you? What attributes does a super author/creator have? In this course, we will study Walt Disney, Shakespeare, Dante, and Margaret Cavendish, but the point for now is for you to think of any author or filmmaker/creator/storyteller you have in mind? What are the key characteristics of that author/creator?

Past EN 225 students have said that an author/creator who is superheroic: innovates, invents, inspires, influences, has imagination, and is introspective (i.e. sees the complexity in humanity and presents it in their characters and stories). You should answer the question as you see fit, in your own opinion.

2- In your opinion, what is a “super heroic” character to you? What attributes does a super heroic character have?

Past EN 225 students have said that a super heroic character exhibits charisma, personality, emotionality, courage, bravery, selflessness, a moral code, an interest in growing/learning/transformation, ambition, perseverance in the face of hardship, and a commitment to using their special gifts and abilities positively and especially to help others. You should answer the question as you see fit, in your own opinion.

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What attributes does a super author creator have


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