Fallacies, Biases, and Rhetoric: Appeal to Tradition is continuing a belief or tradition simply because everyone always does. Section

Fallacies, Biases, and Rhetoric: Appeal to Tradition is continuing a belief or tradition simply because everyone always does. Section

Guided Response: In addition to your original post, post a minimum of three responses for a total of at least four posts. At least two responses must be to your classmates; the third response could be to a classmate or your instructor. Be sure to post on three separate days throughout the week to promote further engagement and discussion.

Fallacies, Biases, and Rhetoric: Appeal to Tradition is continuing a belief or tradition simply because everyone always does. Section 7.2 shares “…which involves believing in something or do something simply because that is what people have always believed and done.” (Hardy, et. al., 2015) “If I have a daughter again, I’m getting her ears pierced since my other daughters have got them done as infants.” If I have a daughter, I’m getting her ears pierced. Taking away the tradition since she made it seem as if she was only getting her possible daughter’s ears pierced since her other daughter’s ears were pierced. Appeal to emotion is an attempt to make you feel emotion-driven by the other party. Section 7.2 states “… someone argues for a point based on emotion rather than on reason.” (Hardy, et. al., 2015) “TikTok is too inappropriate for children, what if they see something? Think of all of the things they could see on there!” TikTok can be inappropriate, they have an age restriction of 12 years old or older they could investigate getting kid selection on the app as Kids YouTube did. Still very much thinking of the children we’re taking away the emotion and what they “could see on there” and sharing a possible idea for TikTok to have a kid’s version.

False Dilemma also known as False Dichotomy is black or white terms, this or that, no in-between. Section 7.1 “… when makes it sound as though there were only two options when in fact there are more than just those two options.” (Hardy, et. al., 2015) My mom always says to me “It’s my way or the highway” really, it’s her way or she’s just not doing it. However, she could be just saying I would like to do it this way because she has done it before and knows how. She doesn’t have time to learn a new way. There are so many other ways to express I would like to do it this way.

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