Explore ONE philosophical question,( which I already did DOES GOD EXISTS) and Defend a particular position with regard to that question.

Explore ONE philosophical question,( which I already did DOES GOD EXISTS) and Defend a particular position with regard to that question.

Please refer to these three reading in order to write the paper

• Plato – Meno
• Descartes – Meditations on First Philosophy
• Lucretius – De Rerum Natura

These readings will help to layout the conceptual landscape necessary to understand the main concepts and arguments regarding this question.

these are my professor’s instruction that he gives us to write a paper.

Explore ONE philosophical question,( which I already did DOES GOD EXISTS) and
Defend a particular position with regard to that question.

To EXPLORE this question, you will need to refer back to at least three of the readings (the 3 readings that I choose is mention above) readings we have covered this semester (though you are always welcome to expand beyond that as well).

These readings will help to layout the conceptual landscape necessary to understand the main concepts and arguments regarding this question.

Your summary of these ideas needs to be accurate and faithful to the material included in those readings, and your grade for this section will depend on whether you get that material right.
To DEFEND the position you’ll be arguing for, you will need to show why, given the exploratory section, what you have to say represents the most reasonable position to adopt with regard to this question.

Keep in mind that, in doing this, you don’t want to merely restate what you’ve said in the exploratory section of the paper. That would just be repetitive.

Rather, you want to add new ideas and evidence to that conversation by synthesizing the strengths and weaknesses of the material you have included in the exploratory section, and showing why your own position overcomes the difficulties that have plagued the alternative positions.

Having said that, keep in mind that the goal here is not necessarily to “win” an argument: while you are defending a particular position, there is nothing wrong with also acknowledging in your paper the shortcomings of the position you defend.

Philosophy, as you well know by now, is about improving our understanding, and part of that process requires intellectual humility and honesty. And one of the ways in which we do this is by articulating the shortcomings of the positions we consider best, so that we may be able to think about them and explore them more deeply.

Just look at the Hume reading we’re covering right now: whenever possible, he tells you exactly where his own theory could potentially go wrong, and he tells you, very explicitly, the kind of evidence that would refute his own position. We should aim for that kind of integrity in our own work.

here are some other readings that we covered this semester.

• Plato – Apology
• Plato – Euthyphro
• Plato – Republic (the myth of the cave & allegory of the divided line).
. Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

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