Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness

Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness


1 Provide an example of both relative and absolute dating techniques.

2 Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness. ( required 100+ words )

3 Reflect on one of the following prompts – select only one (1). ( required 150+ words)

A. Describe the contributions of investigations at Olduvai Gorge to paleoanthropological research.

B. Identify what characteristics define a hominid. Remember to discuss which aspects of your definition can be assessed in the fossil record.

The more detail about question#2, pleases look at the assignment#7 pdf.

Thank u.And, question#3 only have to choose either A or B to answer.

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Explain how we define the moment our ancestors crossed the threshold into humanness


660 Words

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