Exclusionary State to Exogenous Sectarian Democratization

Exclusionary State to Exogenous Sectarian Democratization

Required Readings

  • Ariel I. Ahram, “Republic of Iraq,” in Mark Gasiorowski and Sean L. Yom (eds.), The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa (Boulder, Co: Westview, 2017: pp. 235-269. WILL ATTACH PAGES

Recommended Reading

  • How significant is the question?
  • How convincing or persuasive is the argument?
  • Is there a different methodology the author could have used?
  • How logical are the causes and outcomes behind the argument?
  • Is the empirical evidence and methodology sound, why or why not? Are there alternative explanations the author could have considered?
  • What solutions does the reading propose to solve a specific issue and do you agree with them and have others to propose?


Solution Preview for Exclusionary State to Exogenous Sectarian Democratization

Exclusionary State to Exogenous Sectarian Democratization


383 Words

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