Evaluating Training and Measuring Return on Investment for Training
I have to turn in week 5′ s discussing question by noon tomorrow. I need help.
HRM 565 Developing Human Capital HRM565001VA016-1172
Week 5 Discussion
“Evaluating Training and Measuring Return on Investment for Training” Please respond to the following:
- Describe the types of ethical issues that could arise during training evaluation processes and identify actions that can be taken to address and overcome these ethical issues. 150words
Visit the ROI Institute Website, located at http://www.roiinstitute.net. Next, discuss briefly what is meant by “Level 5” training evaluation. Identify the process proposed by Jack Phillips for determining return on investment (ROI). Identify the various type of costs to be considered when measuring ROI for training activities. 200words
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Training evaluation processes may raise various types of ethical issues which are necessary to consider. Informed consent is one of the ethical issues where the participant should be well informed about the evaluation that is being conducted. To overcome this, it’s important……………………………
486 Words