essay discussion on a topic of very contemporary interest in today’s body politic, based on one of the 16 essays provided here at the Canvas

essay discussion on a topic of very contemporary interest in today’s body politic, based on one of the 16 essays provided here at the Canvas

The “Black Table” Is Still There

Commentary 2

This writing assignment will continue to expand your preparedness for moving into the socio-political community after college, and it will provide each student another vehicle to demonstrate his or her writing skills learned from ENC 1101. This second Commentary assignment will further reflect on your ability to use the English language to communicate in the written form, which is essential for long-term job- or career-related growth.

This, too, is a brief 2+ page essay discussion on a topic of very contemporary interest in today’s body politic, based on one of the 16 essays provided here at the Canvas site; however, you cannot write about the same essay as you wrote about in Commentary 1. The subject matter of these essays is something that every person in America should be informed about. The essays are in clusters of four each in Modules 2, 3, and 4.

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