Describe the relationship between rhetoric and grammar as both relate to writing instruction. How would you navigate this relationship in a classroom setting?

Describe the relationship between rhetoric and grammar as both relate to writing instruction. How would you navigate this relationship in a classroom setting?

All responses should be written in academic essay format (thesis with support) and should draw on readings and class discussion so far. You will be expected to refer to readings through summary of the authors’ ideas, paraphrasing, and quotation.

Typed, double-spaced, MLA formatting, one inch margins!!! Twelve-point Times New Roman font (You know how many students try to get over using 16-point Courier?).

Short Answer (2-3 pages)—choose 2
1) Describe the relationship between rhetoric and grammar as both relate to writing instruction. How would you navigate this relationship in a classroom setting?

2) Explain what Berlin means by the relationship between rhetoric and ideology. Explain in brief the three rhetorics he discusses.

3) What are the limits and possibilities of social-epistemic rhetoric in the secondary classroom (or in post-secondary classrooms if that is where you plan to teach)?

4) All the authors we have read accept that language is a living thing evolving over time. How does and how should writing instruction assist in and contend with the evolution of language?

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