Essay #2 will be a researched argument about global issues ( Financial Gap between Blacks and Whites) should be 2000+ words or so.

Essay #2 will be a researched argument about global issues ( Financial Gap between Blacks and Whites) should be 2000+ words or so.

Essay #2 will be a researched argument about global issues ( Financial Gap between Blacks and Whites) should be 2000+ words or so.

Essay #2 will be a researched argument. You will begin your research this week. The finished product, as always, should be 2000+ words or so.

One note about global issues (like gun control, abortion, prayer in schools…..), I’ve been teaching English composition for 30+ years, and I can say with almost complete certainty, that you will very rarely (and by that I mean almost never) come up with an argument I haven’t already heard.  Therefore, you will NOT be allowed to write on any topic like capital punishment, lowering the drinking age, abortion, euthanasia, gun control, etc.  unless you narrow the topic immensely. So, what you can do is to deal with a global argument, but only if you narrow it down immensely to focus on one aspect. 
(For example, I had a student last year who argued that Richard Nixon’s stance on drugs actually caused the drug problem we have now.)

That’s what I’d like to see in your theses now– narrowed, limited subjects–preferably subjects that touch you personally in some way or that you are fervently interested in.  It’s always possible to find a controversial topic in one of your other courses and argue one side or the other of that topic.

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2100 Words