What research question was addressed in this study or what hypothesis was tested

What research question was addressed in this study or what hypothesis was tested

The cases responses must include sufficient support (at least 2 scholarly sources less than 5 years old, the Bible and the course textbook for each answer). Each response to each question must contain at least 250 words.

BOOK: Khaliq, A. A. (2020). Managerial epidemiology. (1st ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. ISBN: 9781284082173.

Chapter 14, Case Study 14.2

Respond to the following question sets. Include a description of how you derived the response.

What research question was addressed in this study, or what hypothesis was tested?

Why are incidence rates of DM in this study reported per 1,000 person-months rather than per 100 per 1,000 women, and what does person-months mean?

What do hazard rations in Table 14.14 indicate? Are these results statistically significant? Explain your answer.

Why in this study were the estimates of the health outcome (DM) statistically adjusted for variables such as age, maternal risk factors, neonatal outcomes, and postpartum maternal lifestyle?

The cases responses must include sufficient support (at least 2 scholarly sources less than 5 years old, the Bible and the course textbook for each answer). Each response to each question must contain at least 250 words.

BOOK: Khaliq, A. A. (2020). Managerial epidemiology. (1st ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. ISBN: 9781284082173.

Chapter 14, Case Study 14.2

Respond to the following question sets. Include a description of how you derived the response.

What research question was addressed in this study, or what hypothesis was tested?

Why are incidence rates of DM in this study reported per 1,000 person-months rather than per 100 per 1,000 women, and what does person-months mean?

What do hazard rations in Table 14.14 indicate? Are these results statistically significant? Explain your answer.

Why in this study were the estimates of the health outcome (DM) statistically adjusted for variables such as age, maternal risk factors, neonatal outcomes, and postpartum maternal lifestyle?

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What research question was addressed in this study or what hypothesis was tested


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