Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below.

Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below.

Prior to beginning this discussion, read Chapters 7 and 8 in your course textbook.

Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below. You have come together with your neighbors for a special meeting to devise a plan for helping the community become carbon-neutral by 2050, meaning that by that time, no net carbon dioxide emissions will be produced by residents as a whole.

Fortunately, you have all attended the meeting with the knowledge that you have gained from your readings in this course. Now it is time to put your thinking cap on and get to work! Your plan should consist of the following elements:

Energy conservation measures (e.g., promoting carpooling by adding special lanes to local highways).

Steps to move toward sustainable energy production (e.g., installing solar panels on town government buildings).

Reducing energy consumption will help, but some actions will have to involve switching to other power sources for buildings and vehicles as well.


The community of Arzaville is located at the base of a mountain, on a secluded ocean inlet, surrounded by rugged, forested land covered with spruce and fir trees. The only access to the city is by ferry or plane; no roads connect it to other communities in the region. Winters are wet, mild, and long, with limited sunlight due to their location so far north. The city serves as the capital for the state of New Grammarly. The city is renowned for its scenic beauty; tall mountains capped by glaciers can be seen from downtown. Tourism is a significant source of revenue. Fishing is still important to the community, although it is an occupation for only a very small fraction of the city’s residents.

Population:                        32,434h
Population Growth:          +4.7%
Elevation                              56 ft. above sea level
Avg. Low Temp (Jan.):      25oF
Avg. High Temp (July):     64oF
Annual Rainfall:                 71 in.
Annual Snowfall:                80 in.
Sunny Days Per Year:       86
Drinking-Water Source:   groundwater and river
Urban Area:                       14 sq. mi.
Main Power Source:          natural gas
Average Commute:           15.6 minutes
% Taking Mass Transit:    5.3%
Top Occupations:              public administration (23.8%)
health care (12.3%)
educational services (8.1%)
retail trade (8.7%)




Solution preview for the order on  Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below.Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below.


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