Employment opportunities and limitations for people on the Autism Spectrum. Using the attached essay and its points create

Employment opportunities and limitations for people on the Autism Spectrum. Using the attached essay and its points create

Employment opportunities and limitations for people on the Autism Spectrum. Using the attached essay and its points create a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the most important points of the essay, feel free to add a video if need be on one of the slides. 

The Multimodal Remix consists of two components: a multimedia/modal piece and a written, reflective component.  You must use at least two modes of expression along with the text. Evidence used throughout should be clearly cited and end with a Works Cited page.   Thesis/Argument: Convey the argument of your Research-Based Argument project in a new way, using other modes of creation besides strictly alphabetic text. Your audience should not have to guess what your argument is: your argument in your creative project should be clear as a “standalone piece” to an audience outside our class who knows nothing about your work. Remember: you are still making an argument—not merely informing the audience.   Creativity/originality in making your argument: Be creative. Your goal is to create a piece that engages the audience you’re envisioning (most immediately our class but also beyond) in your argument and research. You can do this in a number of ways: by appeals to logic (logos) using alphabetic text/numbers/research. You can use images and video clips to appeals to emotion (pathos). How well do you select interesting images or video clips? How well do you arrange them to tell a story? 

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