Transferable skills are skills that can be used in many different careers and employment positions

Transferable skills are skills that can be used in many different careers and employment positions


Responses to your classmates or instructor should be at least 75 words. Be sure to cite at least one reference in at least one of your posts this week. Additionally, responses to classmates and/or your instructor should be thoughtful and advance the Discussion.

HS499: Bachelors Capstone in Health Science


Hello everyone!

Transferable skills are skills that can be used in many different careers and employment positions. There are many sets of skills can be not only be used in the medical field, but also in jobs like accounting, management positions, engineering, etc. Examples of skills that are transferable would be:


*Being Adaptable

*Strong ability to communicate effectively

*Being Dependable

*Being Organized

*Being technologically inclined

*Leadership skills

*Clerical skills

*Prioritizing and tasking, etc.

There are many more examples of skills that can be useful and needed in all types of employment. Since most employers are looking for candidates that not only have experience in their field but are also well rounded, transferable skills are very important to incorporate and become sufficient. These skills are always in need and are regularly sought-after in the workplace, regardless of what type of job you’re interested in. They are also helpful when completing the tasks assigned to you after you’re hired. Not only do transferable skills help you while you’re employed, but they can be very helpful when you’re trying to get promoted or take on positions with more responsibility. These wide varieties of skills are acquired through work history and the ability to learn and adapt in the workplace.



Hello Professor and classmates! Transferable skills are skills that can be relatable and transferable across jobs and industries. These are skills that are acquired usually in school from transitioning to collegiate level and the workforce. These skills are very attractive especially when trying to switch to a new field with a little less experience. These skills can include: communication, dependability, teamwork, organization, adaptability, leadership, and technology literacy. The value of these skills are essential to showcase an individuals manageability, flexibility, and maturity. These items can be included in certain areas of the resume like the summary and skills list to help elaborate on your ability to be adaptable and willing to learn. Majority of these skills are currently on my resume to showcase my ability to thrive in different industrial environments. This also shows my ability to comprehend, learn a craft, and adapt to my surroundings while being innovative in the process.


HW320: Contemporary Diet and Nutrition


Agricultural biotechnology is a variety of techniques to improve plants, animals, and microorganisms ( When I think of biotechnology the first word that comes to mind is genetically modified or GMO. These are living organism whose genetic material has been artificial manipulated through engineering in a laboratory. This creates plants and animals that do not naturally occur in nature or through crossbreeding. Agricultural biotechnology is everywhere in our life’s. Specifically, in the foods we eat such as eggs, milk, meat, honey, and seafood (Nongmo project, 2015) Most feed that is given to livestock is genetically modified and once they eat it and then we eat them then we are ingesting it too. I try to stay away from food that is high risk for GMO’s. These would be animal products like milk and meat, also soy products, corn, canola, and papaya. I try to always buy products that say non-GMO on them and if they don’t then I don’t buy them for my family. The federal government developed regulations of Biotechnology in 1986. The agencies that provide guidance to the experimenting, approval, and release commercial are the USDA, EPA, and the FDA. Each agency has a specific job to make sure that these crops do not have an adverse impact on humans and the environment. There is a lot to learn about how the government is doing and how adequate they are. From my understanding I think that packaging should have more product information on it. So, if it is high GMO product it should be labeled so we know and can make the decision if we want it or not. The three agencies test and have to preform assessments on all crops and products before they can be sold which makes me more comfortable. But like a said i just really try to stay away from products that I know have been genetically altered to make.



What is agricultural biotechnology?

Agricultural biotechnology is the development of microorganisms for certain agricultural use. This includes traditional breeding techniques that changes living organisms or to modify them as well as to improve plants and animals (USDA, 2019).

How does it show up in your life?

Agricultural biotechnology shows up in my life by changing how some produce taste, feel and appear such as papaya’s, tomato’s, soybeans and corn. Agricultural biotechnology also shows up in my life by changing how farmers use farming techniques because some biotechnology crops are being engineered to resist certain herbicides. This makes it easier for farmers because they don’t have to pull as many weeds. Biotechnology can help increase crop production which could help developing countries food supply (USDA, 2019). Agricultural biotechnology may help certain foods become more nutritionally-enriched and/or last longer so the food will not spoil as quickly. Researchers are trying to develop biotechnology so it can reduce saturated fats that people use in cooking-oil as well as reduce allergens in food and increase disease-fighting nutrients in foods by using biotechnology (USDA, 2019).

Does it affect your food choices? Why and how?

Agricultural biotechnology appears to make our food choices better and fresher by making produce more nutritionally healthy while at the same time, preventing spoilage, damage and nutrition loss in produce (ISAAA, 2016). However, GMO’s are part of agricultural biotechnology, and in my opinion I don’t believe genetically engineering crops, seeds and produce is natural or completely safe to consume. I learned that 80% of papayas were genetically engineered due to a virus. This affects my food choice regarding buying papayas because I don’t know for sure how safe genetically engineered papayas are. In order for papayas to be genetically engineered they had to go through a process and part of the process includes using microscopic gold pellets that were coated with a gene virus that were injected into papaya cells using an early version of a gen gun machine which does not sound natural or 100% safe in my opinion (ISAAA, 2016) Therefore, I try not to buy foods that are compromised with agricultural biotechnology such as GMO’ which affects many of my food choices such as GMO potato’s, eggplants, soybeans and corn (ISAAA, 2016).

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Transferable skills are skills that can be used in many different careers and employment positions

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