Abortion In United States

Abortion In United States

Business Topic   Abortion In United States

Paper details

Introduction of Study (4 pages, not including title page & references):
Literature Review
Background of study: describe the issue or topic, history, etc. ( 3 pages )
Purpose of proposed study: why is it important to conduct your study?( 1 paragraph )
Potential Research Question(s) ( What factors contribute to increases abortion ? )
Potential Data Sources: might be existing data sets and/or what you plan to collect: survey , existing data or which data you will use .
Potential Hypotheses :
I come up with some hypotheses , but please put them in questions :
1- Low income effect on that ?
2- Age . ( teens choose to have abortion – Older women )
3- Employment statues .( some jobs do not allow women to become pregnant , so the get fired from their jobs )
Potential Definition of all Variables :
Explanation for what that mean :
Variables : is a characteristic of the unit of analysis that changes or varies ; that is, it doesn’t have constant value . Variables can be quantitative or qualitative .
Dependent variable : is the outcome of interest for researcher . In my research paper the
Dependent variable is ( Abortion ).
Independent variables : are thought to be responsible for explaining changes in the dependent variable
across each we are looking at a study’s data set .In my research paper the Independent variables:
I come up with some hypotheses , but please put them in questions :
1- Low income effect on that ?
2- Age . ( teens choose to have abortion – Older women )
3- Employment statues .( some jobs do not allow women to become pregnant , so the get fired from their jobs )

Will include 10 References from Scholarly Sources. Scholarly sources include books (including the text) and scholarly peer-reviewed articles – more on this below.

*** if you want more information this is the book ( Public Administration Research Methods: Tools for Evaluation & Evidence-Based Practice 2013 ) Author (Warren S. Eller, Brian J. Gerber, and Scott E. Robinson )

*** I will submit example of good research paper , you have to do the first part from Background until Table 1 . please do my paper same the example of good research .
Follow the steps on the example of good work .

*** if you do not understand something please contact me on ( 949) 690-1127 .

*** Keep in mind I will submit this research paper on http://turnitin.com

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Abortion In United States


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