Providing evidence that your department will be unable to meet its goals without additional employees is the key to ensuring the approval of your request

Providing evidence that your department will be unable to meet its goals without additional employees is the key to ensuring the approval of your request

Write a proposal requesting management staff

Providing evidence that your department will be unable to meet its goals without additional employees is the key to ensuring the approval of your request. Include the following information in your proposal:

Requesting permission to immediately hire 2 managers. Their responsibilities are to hire, train and manage 30-45 additional temp to hire RN’s in order to address members in need of case management services and newly enrolled members in the plan.

The management team is at or over capacity regarding agreed upon staffing ratio; this was an arrangement with the management team in order to prevent employee turn-over and provide work-life balance.

Benefits of hiring additional managers will ensure the organization meet regulatory guidelines in completing Health Risks Assessments and care plans within 30 days of enrollment and improve health outcome for members enrolled with the managed care organization.

Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style. Must use at least three scholarly sources or peer-reviewed less than 5 years old.

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Providing evidence that your department will be unable to meet its goals without additional employees is the key to ensuring the approval of your request


622 words

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