Employee engagement is a significant issue in the workplace

Employee engagement is a significant issue in the workplace

Organizational Leadership

A. Employee engagement is a significant issue in the workplace, 200 words or more.(Discussion Forum)

The Gallup Institute has been tracking employee engagement levels since 2000 and has found, by-and-large, that approximately only 30% of the workforce is actively engagement. This means that roughly 70% of the workforce is not engaged or actively disengaged. These averages have held steady for the last almost 17 years. This is concerning.

Typically low employee engagement is an outcome or result of leaders and managers who are are indifferent to the factors that fuel employee engagement. They either do not care or see the effort of motivating employees as too difficult, demanding, and distracting.

After reading Kouzes and Posner, how can a leader and manager build and sustain employee engagement? Furthermore, what are the factors that increase your own engagement in the workplace? Conversely, what are the factors that lower your engagement, motivation, and ultimately, your morale?

B. How to Play to your Strengths, by Laura Morgan Roberts; Gretchen Spreitzer; Jane Dutton 200 words or more (Discussion Forum)

Summarize the main points in Morgan’s article and discuss how identifying and using your strengths in the workplace helps build individual employee engagement.

Also, how does Morgan’s article and her approach to strengths align with Kouzes and Poser’s position in chapters 5 and 6?

Respond to the Instructor’s primary prompt question (150 word minimum) by Saturday midnight and respond to at least one other student (75 words minimum) by Saturday midnight.

See Syllabus for weekly posting deadlines, available points, quality, and substance.

C. Read the HBR article Communicating the Change Vision: Overcoming Barriers to Organizational Change by John P. Kotter, 200 words or more (Discussion Forum)

After reading Kouzes and Posner chapter’s 7 and 8, how does the exemplary leadership behavior of “Challenging the Process” align with Kotter’s approach to change?

Give an example from your own work experience of a change process that succeeded (and why) and a change process that did not succeed (and why).

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Employee engagement is a significant issue in the workplace


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