Emily Vallowe’s literacy narrative titled “Write or Wrong Identity”

Emily Vallowe’s literacy narrative titled “Write or Wrong Identity”

Journal Assignment One

Read Emily Vallowe’s literacy narrative titled “Write or Wrong Identity” in NFGW (Norton’s Field Guide to Writing pp 73-79).

Write a two paragraph journal entry that includes:

1 paragraph summary of essay (a short description of what the essay is about). Length: around 5 – 10 sentences. 100 – 300 words.


1 paragraph of your response to the essay. (3 – 10 sentences) 50 – 300 words

Some possible prompts for your response:

Did you like it or not? Can you relate to what she wrote? Do you ever feel that your identity was dictated to you by others? By teachers? By parents? By friends?

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Emily Vallowe’s literacy narrative titled “Write or Wrong Identity”


309 words


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