For this assignment, you will write a rhetorically sound email that accomplishes a specific intended task.
For this assignment, you will write a rhetorically sound email that accomplishes a specific intended task. Details at the bottom.
Rather than actually sending an email, I want you to format this assignment on a Microsoft Word (or Google Docs) file in the following fashion:
SUBJECT: Write Your Subject
MAIN TEXT: Write Your Email
EXPLANATION: Write Your Reasoning
– The first thing you need to do is devise a situation. Think of a role for yourself (landlord/boss/employee/
– Next, you must read the advice about how to write a proper email, subject, greeting, sign-off, etc. Make selections that appeal to your intended audience, that create the appropriate “vibe,” and that accomplish your ultimate goal.
– Finally, you must write a brief paragraph (4-6 sentences) explaining your most significant choices. Hopefully, you can be mindful of the mood/context you have created through these choices.
OVERALL, this assignment should be roughly 250-300 words, including a brief email and a more thorough explanati
Solution preview for the order on For this assignment, you will write a rhetorically sound email that accomplishes a specific intended task.
308 words