Information for one or more topical mentions of electronic document management

Information for one or more topical mentions of electronic document management

Information for one or more topical mentions of electronic document management or record management in relation to one

Check newspapers, Web sites, trade journals, and other sources of news or recent information for one or more topical mentions of electronic document management or record management in relation to one of, but not limited to, the following areas (This is not an exhaustive list.)

Personal electronic medical records

Records of national historical purpose such as email records from the White house

Company email records used in a lawsuit

Switching to medical records at hospitals

How the government (Medicare, Medicaid) uses electronic medical records

How pharmaceutical companies use electronic records

Electronic filing of tax returns at the IRS

Use of electronic signatures in real estate transactions

Electronic distribution of school transcripts

Electronic records management in doctors’ offices

Electronic document management systems in the court system

When and how health care providers will have to inform patients of a security breach

Electronic record management in the financial industry

Select one issue (or challenge) of electronic records management we have covered in class in relation to the area you are interested in and write a no shorter than 1-page essay (single spacing, 12-point font size) that summarizes your findings (in your own words) and present your own position on the issue. Please locate and cite at least five sources to build your own position on the issue.

Solution preview

The use of the system makes certain that records that pertain to a facility are appropriately stored and that they can be retrieved when needed. Manual systems can be used as well as electronic system (Penn & Pennix, 2017)………………………


675 words


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