Economic History of the United States

Economic History of the United States

In an essay of 5-8 (2 pages) well-developed paragraphs, select five major figures, firms, or events from the history of U.S. business from three different centuries since about 1700. In what ways are they characteristic of business of their time and place? In what ways are they not? Your answer should include reference to the ideas, social and cultural factors, and approach that informed business practices, and its organization and institutions. Your answer must be supported by appropriate examples taken from the assigned readings and lecture. Be sure to cite when appropriate.

2.In an essay of 5-8 (2 pages) well-developed paragraphs, discuss the history of business in the United States in regards to two of the following: gender, race, class, and the state. Point out examples how the areas you selected shaped the development of business, and vice versa. Assess which of the two appears to have had a greater impact on the history of business in the U.S., and why. Your answer must address the time period covered by the course (colonial era to the present), and include specific examples (both primary and secondary) from the course readings. Your answer must be supported by appropriate examples taken from the assigned readings and lecture.

Be sure to cite when appropriate. be in DOC or DOCX file format; have 1″ margins on all sides; DO NOT put your name anywhere in the response (myCourses will track this) use Times New Roman 12pt font, double-spaced, with indented paragraphs; use APA citation standards; be uploaded to myCourses on or before the due date and time. Late submissions will not be graded. Responses which cite or reference material or sources not presented during lecture or in the assigned readings (e.g., Wikipedia) will receive an automatic “F” grade.

Book: Regina Lee Blaszczyk and Philip B. Scranton, Major Problems in American Business History: Documents and Essays(Major Problems in American History Series) 1st Edition (ISBN-13: 978-0618044269; ISBN-10: 0618044264)

These are the assigned readings Chapter 2 (Documents 1, 2, 4, 5, 6; Perkins “The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Colonial America”) Chapter 3 (Documents 2, 4, 9; Doerflinger “Philadelphia Merchants”) Chapter 4 (Documents 1-6; Lamoreaux “The Shape of the Firm;” Matson “Financial Innovation”) Chapter 6 (Documents 2-3) Chapter 3 (Document 3; Morgan “British Merchants”) Chapter 5 (Documents 1-6, Johnson “The Slave Traders of New Orleans”) Chapter 6 (Document 4; Beckert “New York Business Elites and the Civil War,”) Chapter 6 (Documents 5-7) Chapter 7 (Documents 1, 4, 5, 7) Chapter 7 (Usselman, “Mastering Technology”) Chapter 8 (Dunlavy, “Why did some American Businesses Get So Big?”) Chapter 8 (Documents 1-6) Chapter 8 (Documents 7-8; Jacoby “Welfare Capitalism at Kodak”) Chapter 9 (Documents 1, 2, 4, 5; Kwolek-Folland, “Women’s Businesses”) Chapter 10 (Documents 1-3, 6) Chapter 10 (Documents 5, 7; Blaszczyk “Marketing Pyrex Ovenware”) Chapter 11 (Documents 1-5; Harris “GM, Chrysler, and Unionization”) Chapter 11 (Documents 7-8; Davidson “World War II and the Birth of the Military-Industrial Complex”) Chapter 12 (Documents 1, 3) Chapter 13 (Documents 1-2) Chapter 12 (Document 2; Cohen, “From Town Center to Shopping Center”) Chapter 13 (Documents 3 and 4) Chapter 12 (Documents 5-7; Schulman “Fortress Dixie”) Chapter 13 (Documents 5-6; Sicilia “The Corporation under Siege”) Chapter 14 (Documents 1-2, 4, 6-7; Head “Inside Wal-Mart”) Chapter 15 (Documents 1, 3; Jones “Multinationals and Globalization”)



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