Each reply must integrate at least 1 biblical principle. In the Introduction section, you must quote or specifically refer to what and to

Each reply must integrate at least 1 biblical principle. In the Introduction section, you must quote or specifically refer to what and to

The student must then post 2 replies of at least 600-700 words Each reply must incorporate at least 3 scholarly citations in the current APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Each reply must integrate at least 1 biblical principle.

In the Introduction section, you must quote or specifically refer to what and to whom you are responding. There is no need to cite a fellow Learner in the DB assignments, unless from a separate thread or a reply in which you are responding to something very specific.

Do not be afraid to disagree with a fellow Learner's perspective, just do so politely and always cite and source why.

Replies can be less formal because at that point we are discussing the post. You still need to cite in support of your argument and use APA.

not overuse direct quotations from the texts or Bible in any assignment. If you use more than 2% of total wordcount as direct quotes, there will be a point deduction. Paraphrasing is not only proper formal academic writing technique, it also helps one to learn the material and integrate the content into the narrative in a smooth manner. Any direct quotation should be an anchor or framework for the entire paper, or major section.

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