Substance-induced psychotic disorder

Substance-induced psychotic disorder

Week 5 DQ#1 Description
A person suffering from PTSD and a substance use disorder can be complicated to treat. As they abstain from
substances, their trauma related symptoms may increase. How would you go about treating this person?

My response:

300 words

Week 5 DQ#2 Description
What are the differences between substance-induced psychotic disorder and a psychotic disorder? How would you
tell the difference in an assessment session?

My response:

300 words
Brief Psychotic Disorders: pp. 94-96
Substance/Medication – Induced Psychotic Disorder – pp. 110-115
Read the following in the DSM-5:
 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders: pgs. 87-90
 Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders: pg. 265
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: pp. 271-280
Other Specified Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorder: pp. 289-290
Read “Psychological Interventions for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Comorbid Substance
Use Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” by Roberts, Roberts, Jones, & Bisson,
from Clinical Psychology Review (2015).
Read “Exposure-Based, Trauma-Focused Treatment for Comorbid PTSD-SUD,” by Morrison, Bernez, & Coffey,
from Trauma and Substance Abuse: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Comorbid Disorders (2014).


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Substance-induced psychotic disorder


777 words