Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps. Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid

Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps. Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid

Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps

Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid process for effective execution. It is important to take the power of strategy design and the power of focus into consideration. Finally, good decision-making relies on avoiding decision traps that can take the company down the wrong
Write a minimum of 500 words in the body.
Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts along with a biblical integration
Current APA format must be used.

Use the following outline:
1.) Introduction
2.) Process: Effective Execution of Strategy ‐ What is the process in no less than 200 words
3.) Strategic Thinking: Power of Design vs. Power of Focus ‐ What is it and why is it important in no less than 200 words
4.) Decision Model – Key Decision Traps to Avoid ‐ no less than 100 words
5.) Conclusion
Support your factual assertions with citations.

**Include an Annotated Bibliography, in current APA format, of the 2 additional scholarly Sources:
Minimum of 250 words in each annotation
Use the following outline:
1.) Summary of Key Points
2.) Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication
3.) Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s)
4.) Where this fits into the discussion
Required Reading:
Gamble, Peteraf, & Thompson: Chapter 10 (attached)
Rumelt: Chapters 9 – 10
The Hidden Traps in Decision Making (attached)
The Big Lie of Strategic Planning (attached)
Please see the example of how the paper should be written (attached)
****Please use the APA template to type the paper in (attached)

Answer preview for Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps. Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid

Discussion Thread: Effective Execution, Design / Focus, and Decision Traps. Once a strategy has been developed, success depends on a solid


1167 Words

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